

module = { SOI ~ (import)* ~ expr ~ EOI }


/** A message representing an OpenController module */
message Module {
    map<string, Module> imports = 1; // The imports of the module
    required Expr body = 2; // The body of the module

Static Semantics: ImportEntry


import = { "import" ~ string ~ "as" ~ ident }

Static Semantics

  • Return a pair of the import name to the module at the import path

Static Semantics: ImportEntries

  • Let importEntries be a map of the ImportEntry of imports
  • Return importEntries

Static Semantics: imports

  • Return the ImportEntries of imports

Runtime Semantics: Evaluation

  1. Let importResults be the result of evaluating the imports modules.
  2. Return the result of evaluating body with importResults as the Module Scope.