

elif_expr = { "elif" ~ expr ~ "{" ~ expr ~ "}" }
if_expr = { "if" ~ expr ~ "{" ~ expr ~ "}" ~ (elif_expr)* ~ "else" ~ "{" ~ expr ~ "}" }


/** A message representing an else-if */
message Elif {
    required Expr condition = 1; // The condition to call if
    required Expr then = 2; // The expression to call

/** A message representing an if expression */
message IfExpr {
    required Expr condition = 1; // The condition to call if
    required Expr then = 2; // The expression to call
    repeated Elif elif = 3; // The else-if conditions
    required Expr else = 4; // The else condition

Runtime Semantics: Evaluation

  • Let conditionResult be condition evaluated with Local Scope and Module Scope
  • If conditionResult is true
    • Return then evaluated with Local Scope and Module Scope
  • Else
    • For each elif, let conditionResult be condition evaluated with Local Scope and Module Scope
      • If conditionResult is true
        • Return then evaluated with Local Scope and Module Scope
    • Return else evaluated with Local Scope and Module Scope